8 puzzle

A simplistic solution to the 8 puzzle game using Brute Force Algorithm is developed. Its time-complexity is high due to the fact that there is no cost function but this makes it easy to lay foundations to graph theory. Manhattan distance as a cost function is aimed to be applied to make it time efficient.

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NASA Swarmathon

Utilized a swarm of 6 rovers to explore a bounded region and collect maximum arbitrary placed targets.Experimented with multiple space exploration strategies such as spiral, lawnmower motions, Hilbert curves etc. Designed and generated a custom map object that populates incrementally with rover movement. Also, implemented an optimized collision avoidance algorithm for rovers using ROS, C++ and Gazebo.

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Path Planning for Autonomous Robots

Dijkstra and A* algorithms were implemented on a point and a rigid robot on a given map to find the optimal path. Simulated on TurtleBot2 with non-holonomic constraints. The simulation is then performed on the map of the Robot Realization Lab of University of Maryland.

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Breadth First Search (BFS) using micromouse simulator

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Implementation of Motion Planning on Baxter

Inverse kinematics was calculated for Baxter Robot for pick and place application along with obstacle avoidance. The simulation was carried out in the V-Rep.

A* Algorithm

Implemented A* and Weighted A* algorithms

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Dijkstra Algorithm

Implemented Dijkstra algorithm

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Breadth First Search (BFS) Algorithm

Implemented BFS algorithm

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